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Sports - Page 9

  • Stephen Jackson & the NBA Dress Code

    In case you hadn't heard, NBA Commish David Stern is implementing a dress code for NBA players that requires collared shirts and the hiding of all 'bling,' among other things.

     Stephen Jackson of the Indiana Pacers isn't the only player to have spoken out against the proposal, but his statement struck me as interesting.

    "I think it's a racist statement because a lot of the guys who are wearing chains are my age and are black," said Jackson, 27. "I wore all my jewelry today to let it be known that I'm upset with it.

    "I'll wear a suit every day. I think we do need to look more professional because it is a business. A lot of guys have gotten sloppy with the way they dress. But it's one thing to [enforce a] dress code and it's another thing if you're attacking cultures, and that's what I think they're doing."

    That's what he said.

    If black males being told NOT to wear chains is racist, then what is it if young black males are FORCED to wear chains? 


  • My Fantasy NBA League

    It's getting time to start the annual ritual of drafting your fantasy NBA teams. Me, I've been playing for years, dating back to the days when Sandbox.com was totally FREE. Well, they started charging $$, and our league left for Yahoo! where we've been ever since, playing football, baseball and basketball.

    A few years back, we decided to make our basketball league a keeper league, since we had so little turnover and so we could reap the long-term benefits of wise drafting and trading.

    Suddenly, this year we lost three owners instead of the annual one or less. And we have only replaced one of them so far..... 

    Anybody interested?