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Todd's Blog - Page 79

  • Keepers for 2006-07 season

    Toronto All-SARS: Dirk, Kobe

    Chalkdust Torturers: Arenas, J. O'Neal

    Arnie's Army: Marion, Bosh

    big d's monsters: Garnett, Iverson

    Lynx: Pierce, Okafor

    Peoria Opies: Amare, D. Howard

    Hogscraper: Wade, Duncan

    Ballfan1: Brand, Kidd

    BIG AND OLD AND HURT: Yao, R. Allen 

    Ram Tough: LeBron, Webber 

  • Team FP/G Final

    Toronto All-SARS 46.10
    Chalkdust Torturers 44.33
    Arnies Army 43.92
    Big d's monsters 43.83
    Hogscraper 42.71
    Ram Tough 42.50
    Ballfan1 40.96
    Lynx 38.56
    Peoria Opies 34.63

  • Team FP/G Through Week 22

    1. Toronto All-SARS  45.75 (+0.31)

    2. big d's monsters  44.30 (+0.20)

    3. Chalkdust Torturers  44.24 (+0.14)

    4. Arnies Army  43.95 (+0.23)

    5. Hogscraper  43.27 (+0.02)

    6. Ram Tough  42.52 (-0.20)

    7. Ballfan1  41.06 (-0.07)

    8. BIG AND OLD AND HURT   38.79 (-0.02)

    9. Lynx  38.23 (+0.14)

    10. Peoria Opies  34.12 (+0.12)