Dan Patrick Returns (if only briefly)
Well, today Dan Patrick was back on the radio, much to my surprise.
I didn't get to catch all of the show, but from what I heard, he had been vacationing, most likely using up vacation days before he leaves ESPN after Friday's show. I didn't hear an explanation why he missed Monday and Tuesday, when ESPN, himself, and the guest hosts had been saying that he would be there.
He also shared that he now has a website where fans can keep up with what his plans are after he leaves.
It doesn't sound like his tag team partner, Keith Olbermann, will be around for any final Big Shows.
I was Googling for names of folks from the Traveler and came across this sight. Hope things are going well for you in Lexington. Seems like a million years from the days at Fayetteville. If you get a chance, email and let me know what's going on with you. Congrats on the marriage. I'm living in Sherwood, married, with a nearly 2-year old and one on the way. Went to law school at UALR and practice in LR. If you've got any info on Keith Lindley or anyone else from the Traveler, please let me know. Take care and please let me hear from you.
Jason Lee
You think that copyright laws aren't in effect 15 or so years after the fact, snapperhead? Logtown Lives! By the way, Carter knows about your use of LT and he's steamed!!
In all seriousness, drop me a line. Would like to catch up with you.
OAKMAN! You still got that mullet working in full effect? I guess I'm easier to find than you are - I've tried googling you a number of times with no success.