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Sports - Page 3

  • Where are you?

    Where's all of those "Ditch Mitch and Rich" UK fans now?


    #17 UK 43

    #1 LSU 37 

  • Dan Patrick Returns (if only briefly)

    Well, today Dan Patrick was back on the radio, much to my surprise.

    I didn't get to catch all of the show, but from what I heard, he had been vacationing, most likely using up vacation days before he leaves ESPN after Friday's show. I didn't hear an explanation why he missed Monday and Tuesday, when ESPN, himself, and the guest hosts had been saying that he would be there.

    He also shared that he now has a website where fans can keep up with what his plans are after he leaves. 

    It doesn't sound like his tag team partner, Keith Olbermann, will be around for any final Big Shows.

  • Where's Dan Patrick?

    While it's old news that Dan Patrick apparently cut out of his not-yet-expired contract with ESPN to take a job with The Content Factory, it's surprising that Patrick wasn't hosting his radio show today. When he announced his departure, he said that the week of Aug. 13-17 would be his last week, and the fill-in hosts who have been serving in that time slot have been repeating this information, even as recently as last week.

    But today, there was no Dan Patrick. There hasn't been any Dan Patrick since news leaked that he'd already found a new gig. It looks like there won't be any Dan Patrick on ESPN Radio ever again.