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Todd's Blog - Page 95

  • My Fantasy NBA League

    It's getting time to start the annual ritual of drafting your fantasy NBA teams. Me, I've been playing for years, dating back to the days when Sandbox.com was totally FREE. Well, they started charging $$, and our league left for Yahoo! where we've been ever since, playing football, baseball and basketball.

    A few years back, we decided to make our basketball league a keeper league, since we had so little turnover and so we could reap the long-term benefits of wise drafting and trading.

    Suddenly, this year we lost three owners instead of the annual one or less. And we have only replaced one of them so far..... 

    Anybody interested? 

  • My review of "The Office"

    Well, a replay of the 9-27-05 episode of "The Office" was on Bravo last night, so I recorded it and watched it this evening.

    I don't fault the WLEX-18 General Manager for choosing to pre-empt the show. It was racy by network standards, though in language only. This isn't a show with buxom bikini-clad models strutting around (but there was an inflatable).

    I wonder about the show's creators, and what kind of reaction they wanted from their audience. In most of our situations, we cringe in agony at how inappropriate some behavior can be in the workplace. But I can understand that in the wrong hands (America haters, unrestrained juveniles, people who don't understand the concept of a sitcom) this could encourage the wrong reactions.

     But I, and my wife, laughed out loud at the antics on the show and appreciated the efforts of the cast and crew.

  • WLEX-18 pre-empts 'The Office'

    So I'm watching 'My Name is Earl' on WLEX-18 (the Lexington, KY, NBC affiliate), and when the show ends and it's time for the painfully funny 'The Office,' I'm forced to watch 'EXTRA' instead.

    The WLEX-18 website listed 'The Office' as scheduled for 9:30 p.m., but it wasn't on. The crawl at the bottom of the screen stated that the show's content was deemed offensive, apparently too offensive to air.

     I sent an e-mail, and got a response from Tom Gilbert, the President/General Manager of the station informing me the decision was the first time this had happened in his five years in his position and that the episode would air Saturday at 2:35 a.m.

    I just wonder what's so offensive that the local affiliate decides that a pre-taped program that has passed network censors is too offensive to air at 9:30 p.m. I guess I'll have to record it and find out.